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2020 Intro - 12 Months 12 Lessons

Hello! 2020 - what a wonderful terrible year! I had to wait for a few days till 2020 is well gone till I record this. You know what happens at the end of any good horror movie when the good guys survive.


Now that 2020 is officially over and we've seen it all let's see what happened and what I learned. In this one year, I did more than I would do in two typical years. Two times the lessons too. The year started as usual, but after the pandemic began, it accelerated beyond imagination.

Here are the lessons and episodes - feel free to watch in any order. Watch the epilogue too. You're going to love it and hate it. Every episode has two parts. It starts with the bright side, with all the happy things that happened. Then it turns to the dark side with my learnings, which is usually ranting.

Some people might find my content a little bit insensitive. I'm not going to talk about covid or the elections that much, and certainly not as if I was a journalist. I’m going to show you the world from in here and not in here. I'm not trying to summarize the news, but express how I experienced 2020. 2020 was a disaster, a terrible year for many many people, I know. It was terrible for me also - trust me - I had completely different plans. Whatever I say in this series is with disaster as a starting point. That’s why you will see both positives and negatives.

Ok, we can do it. Pick a month and see you there!

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