"Hello i'm Fred,
I lived in savannas in Africa a long time ago and I'm very happy
I have a tribe
We serve their food and take care of each other
We are able to kill big animals because we cooperate
And best of all i get great sleep every night
Because I feel safe
because my tribe
watches my back
by the way I'm hardly conscious of myself
I'm not just a team player
My survival depends on the team
I can't even imagine myself without the tribe
Being alone for an hour would make me very scared
I would become hyper vigilant trying to protect myself
out of all the dangers out there
That's because sooner or later alone means I will become a meal
That simple
So much better with my tribe"
Our physical body and our DNA doesn't evolve that fast
thousands of years later i grew up with my family and friends
I was happy. They were watching my back.
But times changed I got busy
They got busy
We got lost
And without knowing exactly why, I'm getting more worried
I'm getting more stressed and more axious
And sometimes more sad
If I go to the doctor they will likely tell me that I'm low in serotonin
and they will try to give me antidepressants.
Those have been proven not to be any better than placebo.
I will try to find the relief by working harder,
spending more or obsessing on things over the internet
or my children.
Seeing enemies all around
But what if I don't miss actually success and money
but all I feel is that I miss my tribe
Since my body hasn't evolved that much
It might be feel the same danger it felt when it was alone
in the savannas in Africa
I'm actually scared I will become a meal
I was walking up park cabin when i heard this story
It's in the seventh chapter of "lost connections"
A great audiobook
I was stunned
Urbanization advertising and debt
set the scene for an unprecedented pandemic of loneliness
Between 1985 and 1995 community activities fell by 50 percent
At about the same time the symptoms of depression skyrocketed.
Social media is one of the ways we discovered to feel less lonely.
But nothing seems to work great
What can we do about it?
I don't know I haven't read the rest of the book yet!
Stop watching videos and go read lost connections.
A real masterpiece by Johann Hari
Thanks for watching
Thanks for sharing